<aside> 🌱 hello~! this is a template for wermz storage!

the core of this template is the below database (labeled 🪱 wermz!) which stores all characters, clothing, AND items such as trinkets and relics. it has three different views set up (the tabs labeled wermies, clothing, and items) which showcase the different types of things you’ve acquired! each item in the database has different properties which can (and should!) be filled out to help you filter through things! right now it’s set up with the following:

  1. Type designates whether the entry is a character, clothing, or other collectible
  2. ID is a text field you can fill with the character’s ID # for easy tracking
  3. Item Source can be filled out for items to designate where/how you got them
  4. Available is a number field to keep track of how many of an item you have. with this, you can set up a view to track items over a certain count for trade, or recognize that you have access to an item but it is applied in a dressup, etc.
  5. UMA is an optional field if you want to use the same database for multiple UMAs! with this we could set up views just for wermz or just for other UMAs!

These are just some starter fields but you can add so many more to track whatever you need!





<aside> 🌱 below this core database, i have another database set up to track scavenging trips! this one only has one view, as a table but it has several properties we can view!

  1. Date seems pretty self explanatory
  2. Number is so I can track how many total posts I’ve made and know which number post each one is! You can hide this or delete it if you want, i’m just silly.
  3. Location is set up for the different eaden zones
  4. Adventurers is where you can specify which wermz went adventuring that trip! I set up a different ‘tag’ for each werm. With this and location, we can easily filter the database down to figure out how many trips to a certain location a certain werm has made!
  5. Reward is what we found from the trip! I like to fill it out with a link to the item from the above wermz database. If you copy/paste a link from the above database, Notion will ask you if you would like to mention the page (which we do!)
  6. Hidden Properties are hidden from view (cause they looked ugly) but each item in this database also has properties for storing the url of your scav post as well as the url of the results post for easy reference. if you click on an item in the database, you should be able to see those properties on its individual page. </aside>

post tracker